Staple Plain (National Trust)
This walking trail takes you down through broadleaf woodland, into a bracken-filled combe and up to the top of Beacon Hill for views across the Quantock Hills and beyond. Continue through lowland heathland, listening and looking out for red deer, skylark and Dartford warbler in this wildlife-rich environment.

Walk info
3.2km (2 miles)
Approximate time:
1.5 hours
Look out for
Great walk to see heathland birds such as stonechat and meadow pipit and you may glimpse majestic Red Deer in the distance on the heathland
Start location:
National Trust - Staple Plain car park
Google Map link:
Facilities nearby
Toilets, including accessible toilets, shops, cafes in Williton approxomately 3 miles away
Transport and parking
Free car parking at Staple Plain
This walk crosses varied terrain. There's a steep slope at the start of the walk, with some steps. Most of the trail is along wide stone or grass tracks, with a section passing through a few streams.
Circular walk through different habitats, with varied terrain. Steep slope at start of walk, with some steps. Most of the trail is along wide stone or grass tracks, with a section passing through a few streams which can be muddy during wet weather.