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Quantock Hills Partnership

Who and what is the Quantock Hills Partnership?

Caring for the Quantock Hills National Landscape is undertaken by many organisations and individuals, including the National Landscape team – all working together to keep the Quantock Hills as beautiful as you see today, and working to deliver for nature, climate and people.

The Partnership is constituted as a Joint Advisory Committee of Somerset Council, acting as an executive, directing the work of the National Landscape Team and ensuring that partners work together to conserve and enhance the Quantock Hills. The Partnership produces and reviews the statutory National Landscape Management Plan, which sets the vision of how we want the Quantock Hills to look in the longer term and actions to achieve this vision. Partnership meeting, which occur four times a year, allow the National Landscape Team and other partners to report back on progress on the plan, discuss new projects or initiatives and develop policies  or consultation responses.


The Partnership consults and works with a wider range of organisations and stakeholders to achieve its vision and actions.

Partnership members are:


Local Authorities

Alan Bradford – Somerset Council

Bill Revans – Somerset Council

Dixie Darch – Somerset Council (Vice Chair)

Fran Smith – Somerset Council

Mike Caswell – Somerset Council

Tom Deakin - Somerset Council


Parish Representatives

Dr Martin Jones – West Bagborough Parish Council

Julian Taylor – North Petherton Town Council

Mark Philipson – West Quantoxhead Parish Council

Vacant – Holford Parish Council


Other organisations

Hugh Warmington – Country Land & Business Association (Chair)

Laura Daniells – Natural England

John Ebsary – Forestry England

Mike Rawle – Quantock Commoners Association

Tommy Muncie – National Trust

Tim Whittingham – Friends of the Quantocks 

Alicia Aras – Somerset Local Access Forum


Future meeting dates

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Wednesday 23rd July 2025

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