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Current projects

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Current projects

Funding for land managers to enhance nature, climate, access and place.

Creating and enhancing priority habitat across the Quantock Hills.

Creating and enhancing access across the Quantock Hills.

Funding for land managers and communities to enhance landscape, nature and heritage.

Protecting and restoring distinctive landscape features.

Programme of rural skills training to allow local communities the skills to conserve and enhance the Quantock Hills.

A wonderful resource, Quantock Views is an archive of historic photographs and images of the Quantock Hills.

A wildflower meadow looking towards the Quantock Hills

Funding for land managers to enhance nature, climate, access and place.

Person looking at foliage

Programme of rural skills training to allow local communities the skills to conserve and enhance the Quantock Hills.

Quantock Landscape logo on image of the hills

Protecting and restoring distinctive landscape features.

Path with disabled access

Creating and enhancing access across the Quantock Hills.

Community group planting a new hedge.

Funding for land managers and communities to enhance landscape, nature and heritage.

mulching machine clearing ground ready for habitat creation

Creating and enhancing priority habitat across the Quantock Hills.

A historic photograph of a family standing outside their cottage

A wonderful resource, Quantock Views is an archive of historic photographs and images of the Quantock Hills.

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